速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Relics: The Dawn—A Catapult Adventure—

Relics: The Dawn—A Catapult Adventure—


檔案大小:15.7 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Relics: The Dawn—A Catapult Adventure—(圖1)-速報App

A computer system controlling the world's resources. An ex-President who can't remember anything from the past fifteen years. Semi-insane survivalists that live and exist off-the-grid.

And now, through the Catapult app, you become the hero!

This is Relics, the thrilling story by Nick Thacker.

But it's Relics in which you insert your own name and the names of anyone you choose. The Catapult app customizes the story so the names you enter become the names of the characters.

Relics: The Dawn—A Catapult Adventure—(圖2)-速報App

Myers is a Relic. Cast out of society by a computer program that's far more efficient at managing and regulating human life than any human ever could be.

The System is running everyone's life. It's quickly becoming smarter than humans, and it no longer has any need for leaders like Myers. There's a technological singularity coming, and only Myers knows how to stop it.

The problem? He doesn't remember anything from the past fifteen years.

And now he's being hunted...

Relics: The Dawn—A Catapult Adventure—(圖3)-速報App

Or rather, now you are being hunted.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad